· 本文转载自深圳市建筑工务署 ·
Competition announcement: International Competition for Schematic Design of Shenzhen Finance Culture Center
一. 项目概况
1. Project Overview
Shenzhen Finance Culture Center is positioned as a first-class comprehensive and new finance culture center at home and abroad. The plan covers three platforms: finance museum, finance transaction, and finance international exchange, including six major functional blocks: financial industry exhibition, collection of cultural relics, finance transaction, finance international exchange conference and training, academic research, and tourism & education.
This project, together with Shenzhen Reform and Opening-up Exhibition Hall and International Performance Center, will jointly form the important public buildings of Xiangmihu mountain and sea green axis along Shennan Boulevard. They will have collaborative design and concurrent construction, reflecting the review and enhancement of urban construction in the past forty years of reform and opening-up of Shenzhen. Therefore, the design competition theme this time is: Shenzhen Building on Reflection.
图表 1 项目区位图1
Figure 1 Site Location 1
图表 2 项目区位图2
Figure 2 Site Location 2
图表 3 项目现状
Figure 3 Current Condition
项目用地面积1.73公顷,总建筑面积约为48000 平方米,其中地上建筑面积28000平方米(暂定建筑整体长宽尺寸控制90米*90米以内),建筑高度控制36米以内,总投资15亿人民币(暂定)。
The project land area is 1.73ha, the gross floor area is about 48000m2, including 28000m2 aboveground floor area (overall building length and width controlled within 90m x 90m tentatively), the building height is controlled within 36m, and the total investment is RMB1.5 billion (tentative).
二. 参赛资格条件
2. Prequalification Conditions
2.1 Applicant must be the registered legal entity or institution.
2.2 Consortium is accepted in this project, and the members of the consortium need to meet the following requirements;
2.2.1 There are no more than 3 consortium members (including leading member);
2.2.2 Each member of the consortium shall not further apply alone or join another consortium with other design agencies to apply;
2.2.3 The consortium members need to sign legal and valid Consortium Agreement, specifying the leading member, work division method of each member, design fee distribution proportion and method, etc.
2.3 Application of individuals and teams of individuals is not accepted.
三. 竞赛规则
3.Competition Rules
This competition is divided into four stages: 1st stage – stage of intent invitation; 2nd stage – stage of open solicitation; 3rd stage – stage of schematic design; 4th stage – stage of scheme development and design award.
3.1 1st Stage – Stage of intent invitation
The Host sets up expert review committee to select 6 agencies from the invited candidates to enter the 3rd stage – stage of schematic design. The list of invited agencies is as follows (without ranking);
① 深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司
② 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司
③ 戴卫奇普菲尔德建筑方案咨询(上海)有限公司
3.2 2nd Stage – Stage of Open Solicitation
The applicant needs to submit prequalification application document at open solicitation stage, mainly including three parts: company strength, strength of design team, and concept proposal. The Host will set up expert review committee at the open solicitation stage according to the law to review the prequalification application documents submitted by the applicants, determine 9 shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and 2 alternative applicants (with ranking) at the open solicitation stage;
3.3 3rd Stage – Sage of Schematic Design
3.3.1 A total of 15 agencies will be shortlisted through invitation + open solicitation to enter this stage (3rd stage – schematic design stage);
3.3.2 The Host shall establish a scheme review committee according to the law to review on the schemes. The scheme review committee will adopt open-ballot voting method (round by round elimination) to select 5 winning schemes (without ranking) to enter the 4th stage – scheme development and design award stage.
3.4 4th Stage – Stage of Scheme Development and Design Award
3.4.1 The Host reserves the right to organize the 5 winning schemes to further optimize the scheme;
3.4.2 The Host will select first prize (1) and second prize (4). The Host reserves the right to leave the first prize vacant (when the first prize is vacant, there will be 5 second prize winners).
四. 奖金设置
4. Bonus Arrangement
4.2二等奖4名(当一等奖空缺时,则设置二等奖5名),每家获得奖金各 130万元人民币(含税);
4.3入围奖:进入第三阶段-方案设计阶段但未进入第四阶段-方案深化及设计评奖阶段的公开征集阶段9家入围单位, 每家可获得奖金80万元人民币(含税);
4.1 1 first prize winner, with bonus of RMB1.8 million(tax inclusive) If the scheme getting the first prize is confirmed by the Host meeting the implementation requirement, the contract of schematic design and architectural design development will be awarded, without getting the bonus. The Host reserves the right to leave the first prize vacant;
4.2 4 second prize winners (when the first prize is vacant, there will be 5 second prize winners), and each will get RMB1.3 million bonus (tax inclusive);
4.3 Shortlist prize: 10 shortlisted agencies entering the 3rd stage – schematic design stage but failing to enter the 4th stage – scheme development and design award stage, in which each shortlisted agency through open solicitation stage will get RMB 0.8 million bonus (tax inclusive);
4.4 The Host reserves the right to request 5 winners entering the 4th stage – scheme development and design award stage to further optimize the scheme, and the bonus of the top 5 winners has covered the expenses for this optimization.
五. 方案设计合同及设计费
5. Schematic Design Contract and Design Fee
获得一等奖的方案经主办方确认符合实施要求的,授予本项目方案设计及建筑专业初步设计合同。合同授予金额:本项目方案设计及建筑专业初步设计费固定单价报价上限为 400元/平方米,总价暂定为1920万元(总建筑面积暂定48000平方米×固定单价报价上限400元/平方米)。签订合同金额以总建筑面积暂定48000平方米×授予合同单位报价(单价),最终合同结算金额以相关发改部门概算批复的总建筑面积×授予合同单位报价(单价)为准。
If the scheme getting the first prize is confirmed by the Host meeting the implementation requirement, the contract of schematic design and architectural design development of this project will be awarded. The contract amount: The upper limit fixed unit price for the schematic design and architectural design development fee of this project is RMB400/m2, and the total price is tentatively RMB19.20 million (tentative GFA of 48000m2 x upper limit fixed unit price of RMB400/m2). The amount of signed contract is tentative GFA of 48000m2 x quotation from contract awardee (unit price), and the final contract settlement amount is subject to GFA approved by the relevant development and reform authorities for cost estimation x quotation from the contract awardee (unit price).
六.竞赛日程 (根据具体发布时间调整)
6. Competition Agenda (subject to specific time arrangement)
6. 2竞赛日程
6.1 Competition application deadline: 15:00 of August 6, 2020 Beijing Time
6.2 Competition Agenda
7.Registration and information collection
7. 1公开征集阶段竞赛报名文件和资料自行在“深圳建设工程交易服务网-竞赛公告”下载:https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac273370d2d01733885926005e4
7. 2参赛申请人请登录以下链接:http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/uR87Ozg,或扫描以下二维码登记报名信息;
咨询电话:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822
7.1 Please download Competition Document at open solicitation stage at “Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Network – Competition Announcement”:(https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac273370d2d01733885926005e4)
7.2 The applicant can click the link: http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/uR87Ozg to register the application information, or scan the following QR code registration information;
7.3 As per management requirement of subsequent procedures of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service System, the applicant (including the consortium leading member and members of consortium) is suggested to have online company information registration beforehand. Before the public notice on the expert review result of the open solicitation stage, all applicants need to timely carry out company information registration.
Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center
Registration website: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/
Advisory Tel: +86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822
8. Contact information
8. 1竞赛咨询邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cn
8. 2咨询电话:
赵工:+86-0755-88134360(北京时间周一至周五 9:00—12:00,14:00—18:00)
戴工:+86-13410924863(北京时间周一至周五 9:00—21:00)
8.1 Competition advisory email: competition@ehow.net.cn
8.2 Advisory telephone:
Engineer Zhao: +86-0755-88134360 (Beijing Time, Monday through Friday 9:00—12:00,14:00—18:00)
Engineer Dai: +86-13410924863(Beijing Time, Monday through Friday 9:00—21:00)
9. Special notice
9. 1所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。
9. 2因本项目公开征集阶段时间紧凑,建议参赛申请人提前组织设计力量,以尽早准备方案设计阶段工作。
9.1 All time is subject to Beijing time. The Host reserves the right to adjust the agenda.
9.2 Warm tips: Since the schedule is quite tight for the open solicitation stage of this project, the applicant is suggested to organize the design team beforehand so as to prepare the work at the schematic design stage as soon as possible.
10. Organizers
Host: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality
Assisted by: Shenzhen Ehow R & D Center
Shenzhen FuturePlus Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Hebi Architecture Design Co., Ltd.
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未经允许不得转载:FuturePlus » 竞赛公告丨深圳金融文化中心方案设计国际竞赛