
招标公告 | 深圳市人民医院宝安医院方案设计及初步设计


Project name:  Shenzhen People's Hospital Baoan Project


Project site: Northwest side of the intersection of Bao'an Boulevard and Haoxiang Road, Shajing Sub-district, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

申请截止时间:2023年1月13日 17:00

Application deadline: 17:00, January 13, 2023


Project Background


Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has entrusted Shenzhen with the historical mission of positioning itself as a core engine city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and building a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese Characteristics. It is necessary to put forward new requirements for creating a "Healthy Bay Area" and a benchmark for people's well-being. The Seventh Congress of the CPC in Shenzhen proposed to comprehensively promote the construction of "Healthy Shenzhen" and gradually build Shenzhen into a first-class healthy city and an international medical center city.


Shenzhen People's Hospital Baoan is a major livelihood project for Shenzhen to build an international medical center city. The hospital relies on the talents and technical force of Shenzhen People's Hospital and performs integrated management and adopts the current international advanced "center of excellence" model, and is committed to building a high-level hospital and regional medical center based in Shenzhen, serving Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, having distinctive international features and create a first-class "international, intelligent and research-oriented" general hospital. 


The hospital construction will adhere to the concept of "People first, Life first", comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and high-quality development of health care, and follow the basic principle of "good at normal times and available in an emergency" to create a model of "combination of peace and emergency" comprehensive hospital. In phase I, 2,000 beds shall be planned. 


In view of the tight construction schedule and heavy tasks, and to achieve the goal of rapidly starting the construction and ensuring the execution of the project, the Tender is organized through the procedure of prequalification and scheme evaluation. 


The prequalification stage mainly examines bidding applicants' enterprise strength and performance in similar projects, as well as the competence and achievements of the proposed team. We will conduct a comprehensive review in combination with the concept proposal, to select bidding applicants with strong comprehensive technical strength of medical projects and the design teams with profound insights on large medical building to participate in the project, so as to ensure the implementability of the project. 


Applicants are expected to respond to the Tender in accordance with the relevant requirements of the prequalification documents.


Project Overview


The project is located at the northwest side of the intersection of Bao'an Boulevard and Haoxiang Road, Shajing Sub-district, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China. The site covers an area of 111,458.73 square meters. On its east are Bao'an Boulevard, Metro Line 11 and Shajing Health Inspection Institute; on its south are Shajing Bogang Culture & Sports Center, Jueyuan New Village and Huameiju; on its west are Shajing Park, China Asia Silicon Valley Coastal Center and Shajing Middle School; on its north are Gangsheng Road and Shangliao River Sewage Treatment Station. With a good location, the project is surrounded by mature and complete urban living systems such as residence, office and leisure. It is only 500m from its southeast side to Shajing Station of Metro Line 11, providing convenient external transportation. 


项目区位示意图 Project Location

航拍视频 Aerial Video


项目周边交通分析  Traffic analysis around the project


项目用地及周边现状 Site and Surroundings



Design Contents


The design content includes scheme design and preliminary design. See prequalification document for details.


Bidding Rules


The Project adopts the method of "open bidding", which is divided into pre-qualification stage, design bidding stage and final evaluation stage. 


See prequalification documents for details. 


Application Requirements


1.The bidding is open to bidder that should be independent legal entity or other organization.


2. The bidder is required for at least class-A qualification/ certificate in Chinese architecture construction industry (Construction Engineering).


3. The project designer shall have the design license of national Grade -1 registered architect.


4. The project accepts registration in the form of consortium. Members of consortium shall meet the following requirements:

  • 联合体成员(含牵头单位)数量不超过 2 名;

  • There shall be no more than two members specialized in a consortium  (including the leading member). 

  • 联合体牵头单位须具备建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级及以上设计资质;

  • The leading member of the Consortium required for at least class-A qualification/certificate in Chinese architecture design and construction industry (Construction Engineering).

  • 联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与;

  • Each member of the consortium shall not submit another additional application neither alone or with another consortium.

  • 联合体合作方需签署具法律效用的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位及各方的工作分工、权益份额等;

  • Members of a consortium shall sign a legally binding Consortium Agreement to specify the leading party.


5. Individual or teams of individuals will not be accepted.


Tender Fee


The bidding amount (tentative) of this project is 51.48 million yuan. See prequalification document for details.


Tender Announcement

1. 招标公告及后续答疑、补遗文件的官方发布平台为深圳公共资源交易网。请前往“深圳公共资源交易网-招标公告”,查看公告及下载资格预审文件。(点击文末“阅读原文”可直接跳转)

The official platform for releasing the tender announcement and follow-up Q&As is Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Network. Please download the pre-qualification documents via the link to the tender announcement released by Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Network (Also available by clicking "read more" at end of this article).

2. 未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记过的设计单位,须前往


2. Intended participants are also encouraged to start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/; Each member of a joint group shall register online separately.




Tenderee: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality


Assistant: FuturePlus


Contact for project and technical issues

罗工 Mr Luo (深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心)  



Contact for business and procedure

张工 Ms Zhang(深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心)   


(北京时间周一至周五 9:00—12:00,14:00—18:00)

(Monday to Friday (UCT+8), 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 )


The Organizer reserves the right for the interpretation of the open bidding, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese.




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